For young people at Full Life Church, Holmfirth
The next generation of young people showing and being an example to others that with God nothing is impossible. Justified is young people coming together at Full Life Church as one and seeing God move in their lives and enjoying hanging out with friends and meeting new people.
Over the year we have done some exciting things together such as going to see a big Christian band called Leeland and also Delirious. We have had great social nights where we just chill out and play on the Wii or watch a movie. Every year we have a youth holiday where we go away and join with other Christian youth groups and do activities together such as climbing, walking and horse riding.
Justified is about being yourself, it’s daring to be different! It’s becoming the champion you were born to be!
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!”
Justified engage in a variety of activities; adventurous and energetic at times.